Beta Launch Coming May 2020


How to Bid

Bidding on Althub is easy, follow our step-by-step guide below for help bidding on your first Deal.

Step 1

Login to Althub

Use your Logon ID to sign into Althub and review all the latest deal listings.

If you’re not already a member, sign up now.

Step 2

Complete Your Profile

The first time you login you will be prompted to complete your Profile. Once completed,  you will start to receive email notifications of deals that match your lending preferences.

Step 3

Review Listings

On the first page you will see all of the deal listings. If you have completed your profile, you will see exact matches at the top making it easy to find deals to bid on.

Step 4


Find a deal that matches your criteria?  Click ‘Make a bid’ to post your offer, the originating Broker will get an email to notify them of a new bid.

Tip: You can also make multiple bids on the same Deal.

Step 5

Winning Bids

If you are selected as the winning bid, one of two things will happen.

Either your identity is revealed to receive the full application sent directly from the broker’s submission platform, or upon payment receipt the application summary and broker contact details are provided within the Althub Portal.

Step 6

Complete the Application

Review the application, credit reports and supporting documents provided to complete the approval process directly with the broker and advance the mortgage.